Getting started

Getting started with BeepoBox is super easy!

BeepoBox doesn't actually handle any tracking itself so the first thing you'll need is to grab yourself VSeeFace from here:

Once you're set up with VSeeFace if you go to Settings -> General Settings and enable the OSC/VMC protocol:

Now in BeepoBox you can click on one of the avatar preset buttons to load in your model.

You should now see your model tracking properly.

To get Twitch interactions working just hit the Connect button and you'll be taken to Twitch to authorise BeepoBox. You'll need to connect every session.

Now the only thing left is to set up your channel redeems. You can either use the redeem names included in BeepoBox or set your own custom ones if you have existing redeems.

Any redeem on your channel that shares the same name with the redeem in BeepoBox will be triggered every time that redeem is made by chat!

Have fun playing around with all the various features of BeepoBox. The included readme file has more information so check there and see what else there is to play with!


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The developed program has a lot of future, congratulations, but how can I leave the props permanently saved

Thanks Myhiko!

Currently 2D props need to be set up every time but I will add presets to them so you can save their position the same way as 3D props in an update soon 😊